Skills for Development

Enabling employability with the right skills


To equip students with skills needed to address challenges in the world of work.


Skills for development


A leading institution in the provision of quality training and lifelong learning experiences


The institute is still undergoing development and or construction of other key infrastructure; however, the following infrastructure has been so far provided by the Government of Uganda:

  • an administrative block comprising key administrative offices, a library, a computer laboratory and six classrooms;
  • three workshops (for building construction, plumbing and welding & fabrication),
  • one dormitory (for boys); and
  • three staff accommodation blocks to accommodate nine staff members including the principal.

All the workshops have been provided with some of the modern tools and equipment to facilitate instruction.

  • The Administration Block

  • Building Construction Workshop

  • Boys Dormitory


We offer both formal and non-formal tailor-made programmes in range of fields like plumbing, welding, building construction, etc


Nationally and internationally certified programs designed to prepare students to meet the needs of an ever changing and fast-paced economy are in place.

Our Strength

The strength of the institute is attributed to the committed and competent members of Board of Governors, staff and opinion leaders

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